Letsencrypt on Ubuntu ( version 20.10 ) for ERPNext
Let’s do Letsencrypt for ERPNext now
If you try to do certbot nginx module , it will complicate things. Follow these steps to make is simpler and safer
service nginx stop ( it’s important to setup temporary webserver in the following steps. turn off any firewall like UFW as well. Letsencrypt needs to contact the temporary web-server we are setting up, “service ufw stop” )
sudo apt install certbot -y
sudo certbot certonly -d example.com -d www.example.com
Read the full article here https://erpgulf.com/blog/support-forum/letsencrypt-on-ubuntu-version-20-for-erpnext
Originally published at https://erpgulf.com on January 13, 2021.